About Us
We are a diverse group of entrepreneurs and technologists that realized some change to online testing was badly needed. We welcome the opportunity to improve the lives of millions of people around the world by making education more credible and affordable. Solving the academic integrity problem is key to achieving the foregoing.
Who we are
We are outsiders to the education establishment but considered technology experts in numerous fields of science and engineering. For this reason, we were approached several years ago to develop proctoring technology more robust than those used by many industry participants today
After cursory review of what is really needed by the education industry to establish a testing environment that is actually secure, we determined a different approach was required
We quickly determined that once a test is placed on a screen (for 3rd parties to see), test administrators were on a “slippery slope” and the battle to prevent cheating by determined parties was lost. A totally secure test environment can only be achieved by not starting down the slippery slope at all by keeping the test off a computer screen.
Where we are now
Although our testing service has just begun, we are already receiving requests from schools, universities, and other institutions worldwide.
Our headset is under continuous development with the addition of new and improved features.
Our technology team will not be disbanded and will continue to develop more robust versions of SecureTest™ for the foreseeable future.