SecureTest® - Bringing
Integrity to Online Testing

SecureTest’s® secure testing system (“STS”) is the world’s only system that is fully effective at verifying the identity of the student and providing a totally secure test environment.

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Prevent assessment cheating

Test questions need to be delivered in a manner where only the test-taker can see them. If others can see the questions, then the answers can be communicated to the test-taker.

The display contents can be wirelessly sent from a modified laptop to a 3rd party who would secretly provide answers (the “consultant”) and returned using RF connected to a bone microphone hidden on the test taker. Both transmissions are undetectable.

The methods of cheating need not be hi-tech. Even a string tied around the test taker’s toe could serve as a method of communicating answers.


SecureTest’s® secure testing system (“STS”) is the world’s only system that is fully effective at verifying the identity of the student and providing a totally secure test environment.


Elimination of cheating on tests


Degree fraud eliminated


Courses and Tests can be taken anywhere, anytime


Degrees can be awarded for courses taught entirely online


Future AR/VR capability will allow innovative teaching


Automated grading for non-essay tests saves staff time and expense


Low test cost due to automation – no live proctor needed


Increased revenues from increased enrollment, class size


Enhance credibility of degree